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Tuesday, October 19, 2010



I am a huge dog lover, which is probably apparent from all the pics of Daisy my bassett. Thought your post was great and love the pics of the pup! Adopting a pet is such a wonderful thing to do, all that unconditional love is something everyone needs! Amy

Omi S. & her Pup, BenderOak

Awe, your dog is so cute. It's so weird, all this month I have wanted to add another dog to our lives, kinda serendipitous that its Adopt-A-Dog-Month. Bender Oak could really use a friend, but alas, when we starte to look into it, our lease agreement says we can only have one dog. Sigh... Guess I need to buy a house so I can have another friend, lol! My dog is a Humane Society Pup, and he's been my bestest friend.

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

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